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HDF Bulletin: HDF 4.2.7-patch1 03/23/12

A patched version of the HDF 4.2.7 source code, HDF 4.2.7-patch1, is now available. It replaces the HDF 4.2.7 source code and can be obtained from the HDF Downloads page.

To directly obtain HDF 4.2.7-patch1, see:


HDF 4.2.7-patch1 corrects a modification that caused configure to break when using a compiler that contained a '-' in its name. The change, introduced in HDF 4.2.6, was intended to simplify the lines of the configure output that report compiler versions. This patch simply reverses that change.

There is no need to install this patch if you are currently using HDF 4.2.7 successfully.

- - Last modified: 14 October 2016