Recent publications from The HDF Group

The HDF Group’s formal comment to a DOE request on stewardship for scientific and high-performance computing was published in the Federal Register.

We had a joint position paper at January’s ASCR Workshop on Visualization for Scientific Discovery, Decision-Making, & Communication. The paper is called Whither Visualization Logic and was written by Leigh Orf (University of Wisconsin), Lucas Villa Real (IBM Research), and Gerd Heber (The HDF Group). Thomas Caswell (active h5py contributor, Brookhaven National Laboratory) also has a position paper called Visualization of Structured Data.

Additionally, we have two position papers at the ASCR Workshop on the Management and Storage of Scientific Data. The first was led by Jerome Soumagne (The HDF Group), The Twilight of I/O as a User Concept and is joint work with Andres Marquez from the PNNL. The second paper is with Anthony Koukgas at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Harnessing Hierarchy.

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