
We are very pleased to announce the release of HDF5 1.12.1, which can now be obtained from the HDF5 Download page. Information about this release can be found on the Support Portal as follows: HDF5 documentation Software Changes from Release to Release HDF5 1.12.1 is a minor release with a few new features and changes: The new Mirror and Splitter VFDs were added, enabling "concurrent" file writes to two files, one of which could be on a remote system. The following vulnerability issues were addressed:CVE-2018-11206CVE-2018-14033 (same as CVE-2020-10811)CVE-2018-14460 Autotools and CMake options were added to enable or disable file locking. C functions and C++, Fortran and Java wrappers were also added for setting and getting the file locking parameters. In addition, file locking now works on Windows. Various...

On Friday, May 14, 2021, we hosted JP Swinski as he presented the webinar, H5Coro: The HDF5 Cloud-Optimized Read-Only Library. NASA’s migration of science data products and services to AWS has sparked a debate on the best way to access science data stored in the cloud. Given that a large portion of NASA’s science data is in the HDF5 format or one of its derivatives, a growing number of efforts are looking at ways to efficiently access H5 files residing in S3. This presentation describes one of those efforts and argues for the creation of a standardized subset of the HDF5 specification targeting cloud environments. Slide deck

May 28, 2021 11:00 a.m. CDT Register In this webinar, we continue our exploration of Hermes. We will pick up where we left from the first webinar in which we showcased the Hermes API basics & adapters and showed how applications could benefit by using Hermes. We will run the popular VPIC kernel with Hermes and highlight the performance improvements due to the hierarchical buffering system. We will also present an HDF5 Virtual File Driver (VFD) for Hermes. All demonstrations will be accompanied by detailed performance analysis, and there will be time for audience questions and answers. Resources: - Previous Webinar Recording: - Hermes on GitHub: Register now!...

On Friday, April 30, The HDF Group's Gerd Heber presented HDF5 Application Tuning: There is more than one way to skin a cat(fish), Part 2. Before returning to application tuning (in part 3), in this second part of the series, we take a closer look at HDF5 performance variability. We highlight the main variability sources, their impact on performance, and considerations for HDF5 container design.

H5Coro: The HDF5 Cloud-Optimized Read-Only Library Presented by JP Swinski Friday, May 14, 2021 11:00 a.m. CDT Abstract NASA’s migration of science data products and services to AWS has sparked a debate on the best way to access science data stored in the cloud.  Given that a large portion of NASA’s science data is in the HDF5 format or one of its derivatives, a growing number of efforts are looking at ways to efficiently access H5 files residing in S3.  This presentation describes one of those efforts and argues for the creation of a standardized subset of the HDF5 specification targeting cloud environments. Please register to join us....

Greetings! We have scheduled a new webinar for Friday, April 30 at 11:00 a.m. CDT. HDF5 Application Tuning: There is more than one way to skin a cat(fish), Part 2 Abstract: Before returning to application tuning (in part 3), in this second part of the series, we take a closer look at HDF5 performance variability. We highlight the main variability sources, their impact on performance, and considerations for HDF5 container design. Please register to join us live. This event will be recording and shared with the community....

On March 26, 2021, The HDF Group hosted the Hermes development team to learn more about the Hermes project. Abstract In this webinar, we will provide an update on an NSF-funded joint effort between the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and The HDF Group. We will explain Hermes’ goals and what differentiates it from existing technologies. We will introduce our team members, and present Hermes’ current status including the abstractions involved, high-level API, as well as its system architecture. Different team members will present the results they’ve obtained under this project. Finally, we’ve prepared a few demonstrations, and we will show how you can get involved. Slide Deck