
On March 30th, we announced the release of HDF5 version 1.10.2. With this release, we accomplished all the tasks planned for the major HDF5 1.10 series. It is time for applications to start migrating (or start their migration) from HDF5 1.8 to the new major release as we will be dropping support for HDF5 1.8 in Summer 2019. In this blog post , we will focus only on the major new features and bug fixes in HDF5 1.10.2. Hopefully, after reading about those, you will be convinced it is time to upgrade to HDF5 1.10.2....

The HDF5 1.10.2 release is now available for download from: The source code (only) can also be obtained from: User documentation for HDF5 1.10 can be accessed here:

50TB of Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) toolkit data is now available to anyone via HDF Cloud thanks to the work and collaboration between John Readey, Sr. Architect at The HDF Group and NREL (the National Renewable Energy Laboratory). Access the data now with a Jupyter Notebook or through the interactive web-based visualization tool. If you want to learn more, please click here to read the Amazon blog where John and his NREL collaborators discuss the technology and motivation behind this project....

We are pleased to announce the launch of HDF Group’s new Support Portal and the HDF Forum. The new Support Portal, is located at is the new home of materials previously found at The old support will remain online but will no longer be updated. The new HDF Forum can be found at and will replace the old hdf-forum mailing list. The old mailing list will be shut down today, Thursday February 22nd. Please visit our quickstart guide now to get started on using the new forum. For questions or comments please use our contact form on our website. Thank you, The HDF Group  ...

The HDF5 1.8.20 release is now available. It can be obtained from The HDF Group Support Download page: It can also be obtained directly from: HDF5 1.8.20 is a minor release with a few new features and changes. Important changes include: An issue with H5Zfilter_avail was fixed where it was not finding available plugins. Improvements were made to the h5repack, h5ls, h5dump, h5diff, and h5import utilities.In particular, please be aware that the behavior of the h5repack utility changed. A parameter was added to the "UD=" option of h5repack to allow the user defined filter flag to be changed to either H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY (0) or H5Z_FLAG_OPTIONAL (1).An example of the command with the new parameter is shown here: h5repack -f UD=307,0,1,9 h5repack_layout.h5 out.h5repack_layout.h5 Previously, the...

The HDF Group is pleased to announce Ann Johnson has joined as the new Director of Engineering, reporting to David Pearah, CEO. Ann was most recently the Vice President of Engineering at Reservoir Labs, responsible for global engineering operations, personnel, and project management. Prior to Reservoir Labs, Ann held several executive management positions at SiCortex, ClearSpeed Technology, and Silicon Graphics. In her new role as Director of Engineering, Ann will be part of The HDF Group’s senior management team—working with all facets of the organization while overseeing and managing software development, quality assurance, and dev ops teams. Her specialized skillsets and past experiences building and directing global technical teams will greatly support The HDF Group’s expansion into new product and service verticals. “We...

Greetings! The HDF Group is pleased to launch our new website on the evening of Tuesday, October 17th. Our new site features a new design, a new logo, and other improvements—all based on feedback from our users. You’ll find improved and simplified navigation with a better layout focused on the needs of our customers and users. The new site also clears the way for future updates: In the next year, we will also launch an updated support site, a new forum for user support, new products, and more. No big growth is complete without growing pains, but fortunately all you’ll experience is a brief period of site downtime from 5-7 p.m. CDT on Tuesday, October 17th. The URL will remain the same:...