
The HDF Group hosted, Loïc Huder of ESRF for a webinar on Vscode-h5web: A VSCode extension to explore and visualize HDF5 files on August 31, 2022. H5Web is a web viewer for HDF5 files. It can be used to browse HDF5 files and display datasets with performant WebGL-based visualisations. While such files can be requested from a separate server (e.g. HSDS) for modularity, it is now possible to load and explore a file fully in the browser by using a WebAssembly HDF5 library called h5wasm. In this talk, presenter Loïc Huder will show how the team leveraged h5wasm to design a VSCode extension that uses H5Web to explore and visualize HDF5 files. Once the H5Web extension is installed, exploring and visualising...

Highly Scalable Data Service principal architect John Readey covers an update to the Highly Scalable Data Service. The max request size limit per HTTP request no longer applies with the latest HSDS update. In the new version large requests are streamed back to the client as the bytes are fetched from storage. Regardless of the size of the read request, the amount of memory used by the service is limited and clients will start to see bytes coming back while the server is still processing the tail chunks in the selection. The same applies for write operations—the service will fetch some bytes from the connection, update the storage, and fetch more bytes until the entire request is complete. Learn more about...

The HDF Group will be hosting a webinar presented by Loïc Huder of ESRF on Wednesday, August 31 at 9:00 a.m. Central US time, 4:00 p.m. Central European Summer Time. H5Web is a web viewer for HDF5 files. It can be used to browse HDF5 files and display datasets with performant WebGL-based visualisations. While such files can be requested from a separate server (e.g. HSDS) for modularity, it is now possible to load and explore a file fully in the browser by using a WebAssembly HDF5 library called h5wasm. In this talk, presenter Loïc Huder will show how the team leveraged h5wasm to design a VSCode extension that uses H5Web to explore and visualize HDF5 files. Once the H5Web extension is installed,...

The HDF Group hosted a webinar presented by the Hermes team on Friday, August 5, 2022. Hermes is a distributed I/O buffering system for deep distributed storage hierarchies, which are commonly found on modern HPC systems. This webinar will highlight an exciting new component of the library, the Buffer Organizer, which will be released in Hermes 0.8.0-beta. Slide Deck  ...

If you are looking to store HDF5 data in the cloud there are several different technologies that can be used and choosing between them can be somewhat confusing. In this post, I thought it would be helpful to cover some of the options with the hope of helping HDF users make the best decision for their deployment. Each project will have its own requirements and special considerations, so please take this as just a starting point....

The HDF Group will be hosting a webinar presented by the Hermes team on Friday, August 5, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. Hermes is a distributed I/O buffering system for deep distributed storage hierarchies, which are commonly found on modern HPC systems. This webinar will highlight an exciting new component of the library, the Buffer Organizer, which will be released in Hermes 0.8.0-beta. Register now.  ...