
The Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS) runs as a set of containers in Docker (or pods in Kubernetes) and like all things Docker, each container instance is created based on a container image file. Unlike say, a library binary, the container image includes all the dependent libraries needed for the container to run. In this blog post, HSDS senior architect John Readey explains how to get HSDS running in a Docker container or Kubernetes pod, and gives some tips and tricks to ensure everything runs smoothly for you. ...

M. Scot Breitenfeld, HDF application support specialist and software engineer at The HDF Group, will present a session, Introduction to HDF5 for HPC Data Models, Analysis, and Performance on July 27, 2022. Scot's talk offers a comprehensive overview of HDF5 for anyone who works with big data in an HPC environment. The talk consists of two parts. Part I introduces the HDF5 data model and APIs for organizing data and performing I/O. Part II focuses on HDF5 advanced features such as parallel I/O and will give an overview of various parallel HDF5 tuning techniques such as collective metadata I/O, data aggregation, async, parallel compression, and other new HDF5 features that help to utilize HPC storage to its fullest potential. Please register to attend Scot's...

Accessing large data stores over the internet can be rather slow, but often you can speed things up using multiprocessing—i.e. running multiple processes that divvy up the work needed. Even if you run more processes than you have cores on your computer, since much of the time each process will be waiting on data, in many cases you'll find things speed up nicely....

Interim Engineering Director Dana Robinson talks about The HDF Group's upcoming release schedule. As some of you may already have noticed, we now post the current HDF5 release schedule in the document in the project's root on GitHub. I'll update this as circumstances change so it always reflects our current thinking....