
Monday, August 5, 2024

8:00-9:00 AMBreakfast

9:00-9:10 AM – Welcome Address – Suren Byna, The Ohio State University 

9:10-9:35 AM – Hermes: A Heterogeneous-Aware Multi-Tiered Distributed I/O Buffering System – Luke Logan, Research Software Engineer at Gnosis Research Center

Modern High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems are adding extra layers to the memory and storage hierarchy, named deep memory and storage hierarchy (DMSH), to increase I/O performance. New hardware technologies, such as NVMe and SSD, have been introduced in burst buffer installations to reduce the pressure for external storage and boost the burstiness of modern I/O systems. DMSH has demonstrated its strength and potential in practice. However, each layer of DMSH is an independent heterogeneous system and data movement among more layers is significantly more complex even without considering heterogeneity. How to efficiently utilize the DMSH is a subject of research facing the HPC community. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of Hermes: a new, heterogeneous-aware, multi-tiered, dynamic, and distributed I/O buffering system. Hermes enables, manages, supervises, and, in some sense, extends I/O buffering to fully integrate into the DMSH. We introduce three novel data placement policies to efficiently utilize all layers and we present three novel techniques to perform memory, metadata, and communication management in hierarchical buering systems. Our evaluation shows that, in addition to automatic data movement through the hierarchy, Hermes can significantly accelerate I/O and outperforms by more than 2x state-of-the-art buffering platforms.

9:35-10:00 AM – Distributed Affix-Based Metadata Search in Self-Describing Data Files Wei Zhang, Ph.D,  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

As the volume of scientific data continues to grow, the need for efficient metadata search mechanisms becomes increasingly critical. Self-describing data formats like HDF5 are central to managing and storing this data, yet traditional metadata search methods often fall short, especially for affix-based queries such as prefix, suffix, and infix searches. In this talk, I will review the advancements made with DART (Distributed Adaptive Radix Tree) and IDIOMS (Index-powered Distributed Object-centric Metadata Search), two powerful solutions designed to address the challenges of distributed affix-based metadata searches in high-performance computing environments.

DART introduces a scalable, trie-based indexing approach that significantly improves search performance and load balancing across distributed systems. Building on this foundation, IDIOMS further optimizes metadata searches by integrating a distributed in-memory trie-based index and supporting both independent and collective query modes. Together, these systems demonstrate substantial performance improvements over traditional methods, making them highly effective for managing large-scale scientific data.

By leveraging the principles and methodologies behind DART and IDIOMS, we can envision a robust solution for affix-based metadata searches in distributed HDF5 environments. This talk will provide a comprehensive overview of the existing work, highlight key technical innovations, and discuss the potential for extending these techniques to support efficient, scalable metadata searches in self-describing data formats.

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