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Tobias Weinzierl, Durham University, UK, Sven Köppel, FIAS, Germany, Michael Bader, TUM, Germany, HDF Guest Bloggers ExaHyPE develops a solver engine for hyperbolic differential equations solved on adaptive Cartesian meshes. It supports various HDF5 output formats. Exascale computing is expected to allow scientists and engineers to simulate, and ultimately understand, wave phenomena with unprecedented accuracy over unprecedented time spans. To harvest the power of exascale machines, well-suited software however has to become available. ExaHyPE is a H2020 project writing a PDE solver engine—similar to a 3D computer game engine—that will allow groups with a decent CSE expertise to write their own solver for hyperbolic equation systems within a year. The resulting solver will scale to exascale. This is made possible by the unique...