Release of HDF5 1.8.19 (Newsletter #155)

The HDF5 1.8.19 release is now available. It can be obtained from the HDF5 Download page: It can also be obtained directly from: HDF5 1.8.19 is a minor release with a few new features and changes. Important changes include: Several H5PL (C) APIs were added to manipulate the entries of the plugin path […]

2016 Newsletters

Release of HDF5-1.8.18 (Newsletter #152) – 11/16/16 Release of HDF Java Products for HDF5-1.8 (HDFView 2.13, HDF JNI 3.2.1) (Newsletter #151) – 7/25/16 Release of HDF 4.2.12 (Newsletter #150) – 6/30/16 Release of HDF5-1.10.0-patch (Bulletin) – 5/26/16 Release of HDF5-1.8.17 (Newsletter #149) – 5/13/16 Release of HDF5-1.10.0 (Newsletter #148) – 3/31/16

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